Frequently Asked Questions

2-4 members

Abstracts should be no more than 300 words and should clearly outline:
● Team name
● Proposed solution and its alignment with the SDG theme
● Skills and experience of team members
● Expected deliverables

A selection committee will review all submitted abstracts based on:
● Creativity and innovation of the proposed solution
● Relevance to the hackathon theme and SDGs
● Feasibility of developing a prototype within the timeframe
● Team composition and skillset

A distinguished panel of judges comprising industry experts, academics, and entrepreneurs will evaluate the final projects. Their decision will be final. Projects will be evaluated based on a predefined set of criteria, with equal weightage given to:
● Business Plan: Clarity, feasibility, and scalability of the proposed solution.
● Prototype Development: Functionality, user interface, and adherence to the theme.
● Product Management Skills: Teamwork, communication, and presentation of the project.
● Social Impact: Potential of the solution to address the chosen SDG and contribute to a sustainable future.


B-TECH,B.E,M.E,M.TECH,MCA,MSc(Any Stream,Any Semester/YEAR)